Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Quick question

So on the EU referendum, who's in or out ?

Don't panic !

In my opinion the two campaigns, in and out the EU have been rubbish.  
Boris Johnsons comparing the rise of the EU to the exploits of Napoleon and Hitler suggests that he imagines himself as the reincarnation of Winston Churchill.   But at least what Boris Johnson lacks in sanity he makes up for in excitement.  David Cameron on the other hand equally prone to exaggeration continues to sound half hearted. at least the leave campaign  has the sense to try and contain Mr Farage to his swamp.  

what I want to do with this post is try and put my of view across. by looking at the positive side of in or out 

for the European union
this is what i think 
  • The European union has helped to keep peace in Europe for 60 years 
  • it is easier to do business, live and go on holiday in the EU. Because of no passport control 
  • Being a part of the European union means we will be stronger economically, by having access to Europe's single market.
  • We will have more of a say on European issues e.g migrant crises. 
  • There is no doubt that the European union is growing, and immigration is high. but i believe immigration helps the economy. also being part of  Europe means we can stand up to bigger economic countries, meaning if a country pops a trade embargo on as Briton and the whole of Europe can do the same to them. but this is what i think.

Against the European union

its unclear what will happen, but hear is what i think  
  • We can make triad deals elsewhere. probably more free-trade with the commonwealth countries
  • The money the UK spends on EU membership. can be spent elsewhere.  

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Why I got in to politics

I have always been interested in history, since the age of 7. This came after playing games like age of empire, that focus around the, stoneage to the Roman empire, the dark age and the middle ages and the colonial age. (This was not the most historically accurate set of games J)  
When the time came to taking my G.C.S.Es at school. I never had the option to take history as a G.C.S.E.
After that I started studying world war 2. After that I started looking at the cold war and the different ideologies like, socialism, capitalism and communism, the politics at the time. While doing that I watch things like BBC news and listen to debates on LBC radio. After I finished college, I started studying popular protest like the chartist movement, at the open university. While studying at the OU, the European referendum started.
A couple of nights after the start of the European referendum started, I went to a debate hosted by momentum. While listening to the debate, it came to me on how little people with learning difficulties are represented in politics, (I have always felt people with learning difficulties are brushed aside once finishing school and thought of as being second class citizens.)  Maybe it’s because people with learning difficulties haven’t been educated about voting and don’t know anything about politics, so they don’t vote. In my opinion this benefits the government, by not having many people with learning difficulties. Being represented in politics, means the government can keep cutting social security like mental health and PPI.
After this I started looking at a group called LearningDisability England and hope to make contact with them soon.

So I set up this blog hoping to give a non-bias view on politics and encourage people to vote. 

Monday, 16 May 2016

EU referendum issues guide: Explore the arguments. BBC NEWS

EU referendum issues guide: Explore the arguments. BBC NEWS

I have found a very good site that explains the main arguments in the EU referendum.
This is on the BBC news website.             This is one of the points

Sovereignty and laws                                                      

How far the UK has the ability to make its own laws and decide how it is governed. 
The debate
  • The UK has to apply EU directives. EU regulations are binding across all member states
  • Most EU laws are proposed by the European Commission but must be agreed by national governments and the European Parliament
  • EU laws are enforced by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)


  • Only a minority of UK laws derive from the EU
  • Britain retains a veto in many important areas
  • Cameron’s EU deal allows national parliaments to block legislation
  • Some sharing of sovereignty is crucial to enable fair trade across Europe 
  • Leave
  • Most UK laws are made in Brussels
  • Other member states can force through decisions against the UK’s wishes
  • The British government has repeatedly been defeated in cases brought to the ECJ
  • Leaving the EU is the only way to regain full sovereignty
The problem is, none of the main stream media. Mention what will happen to people with learning disabilities. if we leave or remain in the eu. I want to try and do research in to this. 

Once you have read this. please comment and tell me what you think.

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European union explained BBC news

A little bit about the European union explained BBC news 



Tuesday, 10 May 2016

channel 4s the last leg on European referendum

This is channel 4s comedy show, the last leg. on the European referendum

Since this video Boris Johnson has decided. to campaign to leave the EU

in case the link doesn't work


Friday, 6 May 2016

About voting

Every vote matters               

 On Thursday 23 June the UK faces an important decision, whether to stay IN or
opt OUT of the EU.

To vote in the EU referendum you must be registered to vote by 7th June, if your not registered to vote already. 

 This may be the most important decision you may ever face

    please remember who or what to vote for is your choice, and your choice alone.

    it is important to do your research before you vote

   This decision will affect your Future

UK IN or OUT the EU

here are some other facts about voting

  Voting is a good chance to make a difference in the country or your community.

You must be aged 18 or over, to vote in the UK.

it is important to register to vote. You can register to vote here

Reliable resources
1.    News channels like BBC news.
2.   Newspapers
   3.Internet research

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Ken Livingstone's controversial views

Reading Ken Livingstone's controversial views on Hitler and Zionism last week got me thinking..........Adolf Hitler would he be vote stay or leave........... joke :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

About the European referendum

In 50 days. There is going to be a referendum, on our membership of the European union. this is your chance to stay a part of the European union or leave the EU.

What’s the European union
·        The European union is a political and economic union.
The European Union grew out of a hope for peace in Europe after World War II.

Seven years later a treaty signed in Rome created to make Europe a closer economic union.

·      What countries are in the European union 
  What’s European union membership cost.

In 2015 the UK spent £8.5bn on membership. Where every countries gets half back, to fund farming development and other projects.

  How does the EU spend its money?
This picture shows what the EU is planning to spend 

·         So Why is there a referendum and what’s it about? 

More and more people have become sceptical about the European union (EU). There has been growing calls for a vote on whether to stay or leave the union, as it has grown and become more powerful. The UK is already opting out of some key EU decisions, like the single currency (the euro) and the Schengen agreement that is open borders (that means people in Europe who are part of the European union do not need a passport to travel from country to country, but do if they want to come to the UK). 

David Cameron the Conservative Prime Minister. Has renegotiated the terms of the UKs membership of the EU, and has now said there is going to be a referendum on the UKs membership. Weather we want to stay IN the EU or get OUT  

If you will like to know more. Here are some websites.
For more about the EU
UK in or out

·         Please remember this is your choice, and your choice alone.
   It will affect your future.

·        This may be the most important vote for a generation.

Remember its best to do your own research.

The referendum is being held on Thursday 23 June

Remember to register to vote at


1.  Political 
of or relating to the government or public affairs of a country or done or acting in the interests of status or power within an organization rather than as a matter of principle.

2.    Economic
The money a country gets from trade.

3.  A union
is a group. in the case of the European union, it is a group of 24 countries.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

About me and my blog

About me
My name is Joe
In the past I have been considered as having special educational needs.  I have attended two special need schools.  However, after leaving school in 2009, I re-joined mainstream education completing a couple of land based courses gaining a level 3 pass in horticulture.   I finished college in 2014 and now work in ASDA.  At the same time I am also doing an access course with the Open University on Arts and Literature.  I have been in the Scouts since the age of seven.  Once I was 18 years old I became a scout leader.  Now I am a young leader for the cubs and beavers.

About this blog
Since leaving school in 2009 there has been two General Elections, and a number of local government elections.  I registered to vote when I was 18 and have voted all elections since then.  Unfortunately, many of my friends have not.  I often feel that the reason for this is that when at SEN school there was very little information given about the political system and no encouragement or instruction in how to take part in the voting process. I can’t help but think there was more information provided about voting in mainstream schools.  I am passionate that everybody, including those with ‘special educational needs’ should claim and make use of their voting rights.
A Couple of nights ago I went to a European referendum debate. Hearing the debate, it struck me on how important this referendum is and how its result will deeply effect the lives of young people.   I decided to set up a group aimed at encouraging / educating people with learning difficulties about voting and encouraging them to vote.

So I am hoping to use this blog to encourage people to vote, especially people with learning difficulties. By giving non bias information, about voting and encouraging people to do their own research.

The politicians may not listen when you do use your vote ….. they definitely won’t if they can count on your vote not being used.  


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History and politics

I have always been interested in history. Especially world war 2 and the cold war . I have since become interested in the roman rep...