Monday 16 May 2016

EU referendum issues guide: Explore the arguments. BBC NEWS

EU referendum issues guide: Explore the arguments. BBC NEWS

I have found a very good site that explains the main arguments in the EU referendum.
This is on the BBC news website.             This is one of the points

Sovereignty and laws                                                      

How far the UK has the ability to make its own laws and decide how it is governed. 
The debate
  • The UK has to apply EU directives. EU regulations are binding across all member states
  • Most EU laws are proposed by the European Commission but must be agreed by national governments and the European Parliament
  • EU laws are enforced by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)


  • Only a minority of UK laws derive from the EU
  • Britain retains a veto in many important areas
  • Cameron’s EU deal allows national parliaments to block legislation
  • Some sharing of sovereignty is crucial to enable fair trade across Europe 
  • Leave
  • Most UK laws are made in Brussels
  • Other member states can force through decisions against the UK’s wishes
  • The British government has repeatedly been defeated in cases brought to the ECJ
  • Leaving the EU is the only way to regain full sovereignty
The problem is, none of the main stream media. Mention what will happen to people with learning disabilities. if we leave or remain in the eu. I want to try and do research in to this. 

Once you have read this. please comment and tell me what you think.

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